I am a guy, 26 years old, from California, and I am in college part time and provide services for computer programming part time. My experience with sex ed classes is the following. 1. I only had one such class in junior high school. It was a little early for me, I was like 15 years old, and it was not really good useful knowledge. But, even so, I guess they did a pretty good job with the class. It was very detailed and had lots of questions, but not much one-on-one discussion, or small group discussion. It was kind of all over you know, lots of information. It needs to be way more serious. They need to like yell it at you like in the military, that this could save yor life.... I mean this is IMPORTANT, You could get AIDS and DIE! for goodness sake. I think it should be required to take such a class every year. It needs to be more realistic, and not have that much information but more about what we do need to know. Mostly condoms. that is the most important thing. absolutely. there are sexually transmitted diseases that people can possibly get, and these days we have technology, called "condoms" which when used properly can basically protect you almost 100 percent. Then there is pregnancy. you dont want to get pregnant if you are not ready right?? It will change your life. That is for sure, so you want to be ready and prepared when you do do that .....to have kids. So, you use a condom every time and you will be covered and you will be safe.... I am now 26 years old, and I must say I hope that the girl that I get interested in will be most educated and intelligent to know the right stuff. There are a lot of benefits to having sex. It is generally a very healthy thing to do, actually, and part of your bodies' normal functions, like exercise. As a matter of fact it is a form of exercise. There are several ways to have sex. Self-sex, which is called masturbation, has a bad connotaion, and some people look on this very negatively. But really that is just practice of the real thing, right? Its like a test screening, or a demo, or a test run. Its basic training. Its like preparation. They say practice makes perfect... There is your standard relationship which should be positive and safe at all times. When a girl and guy get into bed to get some action they should be prepared and have the basic safety equipment. Now what would that be.. let me see... hmmm.. oh yeah, the "condom"! Not a big deal. Also I wanted to say that there are very important ways that girls should protect themselves. This is called the female condom. And frankly I am shocked that there is not much infomation out there about the female condom. You can buy them at any so-called "Drug Store" like Save-On. But don't buy any drugs there by the way, you dont need to take drugs thats disgusting. These idiots call their store a drug store, man. You can also buy it on the internet, Ask your doctor and he/she will tell you more about that. This is a way that girls can protect themselves proactively. It is a condom but for ladies. It goes on the inside of the female private parts. Its like a suction cup kind of thing. You get the idea. Now go buy one. they cost about 15 dollars on the internet or at the so-called "drug store" . Dont tell me its too expensive, thats bullshit. Get the money and buy it. Dont make me go out there and educate the whole world. The idea with education is that everyone can have a win-win situation. We all can have a great life and achieve our dreams and have a nice reliable and respectable life, there do not have to be any sad endings. Thank you, and best of luck to you, please make the safest decision for yourself at all times, michael
college student, Los Angeles, CA
AVERT.org: Female condoms are available at family planning clinics, drugstores and some supermarkets in the US for much less than . The cost in clinics or when authorized by a private doctor is covered by Medicaid in some states. Find out more about the female condom.
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