Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Sex Facts and Fiction

Don't be a dummy when it comes to sex. Be smart and learn what sex is...and what it isn't.

Sex is more than just putting a penis into a vagina or anus. Sex can include everything from kissing to stroking, licking, rubbing and massage. While there seem to be endless ways to have sex, there are rules about what should happen: no-one is allowed to have sex with a person under 10 years of age; if you are between 10 and 16, you cannot have sex with someone who is more than 2 years older than you; people in the same family cannot have sex and you cannot be forced to have sex.

There are other facts about sex that are worth knowing, not only so that you are sex-savvy but because knowing about sex, safer sex practices and how to prevent pregnancy can keep you healthy and happy.

Learn about sex myths and facts, find out how to tell your partner to practice safer sex, or find out how you can practice safer sex without your partner's involvement.

Men with more testosterone DO make smooth talkers. A UK study found that regular injections of the male hormone made men more articulate, persuasive and fluent.

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